Friday, March 25, 2005

Jesus on an iPod

Now you can download sermons, inspirational messages, religious discussions, etc. to your iPod. It’s called Podcasting or Godcasting or Listening at Your Leisure.

Must be that Religious Right at work again, invading the sacred cool of the iPod. Is there nothing they won’t try.

Jesus with an iPod

So, would Jesus have an iPod if he were walking the earth today. Yes, of course. But what would be on his playlists. I think he’d have some standards, a few show tunes, some gospel for sure, some chant…

The Old Rugged Cross
Rock of Ages
Abide with Me
In the Garden
Jesus Loves Me
Amazing Grace
Gregorian chant
Oh Happy Day
I’ll Take you There
When the Saints Go Marching In
Day by Day (Godspel)
I Don’t Know How to Love Him (Jesus Christ, Superstar)
Hallelujah Chorus,
Honky Tonk Woman

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