Monday, July 11, 2005

Now this...

To all the news people who feel the need to rush to the eye of the storm to provide live news coverage for us… please stop!

Geraldo, Brian, Anderson, all of you….it would be perfectly OK with me if you stayed at your news desks in New York to report on the hurricanes. There’s no real reason for you to be down there being blown and battered around by the storm unless it’s to satisfy your insanely huge egos.

It doesn’t make any sense for you to tell everyone to evacuate the area while you’re holding on to lampposts to show us how brave you are and how brutal things will be after the eye passes. You look silly, and you’re probably causing a problem just being there.

Let the people who are dealing with the disaster in meaningful ways do their jobs, and YOU -- please STAY AWAY!

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