Tuesday, May 25, 2010

This Just In....

Possible Fall Line-Up for Dancing with the Stars:

Howie Mandell (I can't get enough of me)

Snookie (YO!)

Jonah Hill (expletive deleted)

Terrell Owens (I'm the required black football player)

Jenny McCarthy (I'm still hot!)

Warren Buffet (I'm rich, and I'm bored)

Cat Deeley (I think I can dance, but maybe I can't)

Ellen DeGeneres (You've seen me dance, haven't you. I'm good, right?)

Bret Michaels (I haven't exposed enough of my painful life)

Matt Lauer (Maybe I can have sex with my partner)

Chely Wright (Maybe I can pick up chicks)

Nancy Pelosi (I can round up the votes)

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