Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Mother Earth Harvest Fair

Last Sunday afternoon I went to the Mother Earth Harvest Fair at the Spoutwood Farm near Glen Rock , PA. It was like walking back into a kinder, gentler time, perhaps between the American Revolution and the advent of the industrial era, and it was like having the Whole Earth Catalog come to life before you.

I fell into the frolicsome freak parade with: Believers in the Middle Earth, the organic folks, those who think rattlesnakes won't cross rope, believers in aroma therapy, meditative hypnosis, and the healing power of herbs, the Solar enthusiasts, salt-of-the-earth people, back-to-the-earth people, people who believe in fairies and people who believe they
are fairies, old hippies, new hippies, body artists, the Gaia theorists (who believe that the earth is a remarkably complex, living, self-regulating super-organism), tattooed men in kilts, women with rainbow hair in Birkenstocks, Grace Lefever (the grand dame of York County nutrition), musical guests, a man with a blue face, some guy who had dressed himself as a grassy knoll, and a host of dogs.

At the foot of a hill, a drum circle pounded out an incessant, mildly hypno-erotic beat which could be heard all over the farm and which sort of held the disparate earth elements together.

Here were people who believe in alternatives -in medicine, energy, farming, lifestyles - all slightly off kilter but all in one peaceful spot having some easy, old-timey fun

A great way to spend a warm fall afternoon.


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