Thursday, July 02, 2009

Understanding Body Language

Arms crossed and chin lowered: Defensive & cautious

Arms crossed & chin raised: Confident and a little cocky

Nose touching: Doubtful (often reveals negative reaction)

Retracted shoulders: Suppressed anger

Relaxed brow: Comfortable

Tension in brow: Confused, tense, fearful

Shoulders hunched forward: Lacking interest or feeling inferior

Leaning forward: Interested

Eyes open slightly more than usual: Gives people the impression they are welcome

Dangling the loose shoe from the toes: Signals physical attraction

Pursed lips: Disapproving

Biting the lips: Lacking self-confidence

Open hands: Trustful & interested

Covered hands: Setting up barriers or keeping one's distance

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Arms open, Dick up: Ready to screw